
Wednesday, November 28, 2018

What happened in World War I ?

Hi guys today  I am going to share a DLO about Armistice day and World War I Here is the W.A.L.T.   W.A.L.T learn about Armistice day. The war was a long time ago it started in 1914 and ended in 1918 . It is called Armistice day because there was a treaty that  they signed in the last days to end the war. Here is my DLO.😎
How to you feel about Armistice Day?

Friday, November 23, 2018

SLJ: My summer learning prep lesion four

Summer learning Prep

Hi guys, today I am going to tell you about SLJ. We had to watch a video about a cartoon or a TV show that is popular in your  country.  So today I am going to tell you about the video and rate it out of five. Also we have to tell you something about it and what we liked and what we did not like about it.My country is Australia. Here is some facts about it.😎

It is very cool it is like Briton got talent but you face the back and they start singing.They have a button and ad then the press it the chair turns around. The TV show is called (The Voice.)

 Every thing was good in it so I rate this five stars.🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

here is the video

Here is a famous TV show that is in New Zealand. I like family feud And I rate it a five🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟.You need to answer questions and  if you win five days in a row you win a car.

What do you think about  family feud?
Thank you for reading my blog please comment have a good day!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

my recyclable chip packet😎.

Hi guys for topic we have been looking at what is in our lunches. We have lots of plastic  in our lunches and New Zealand  is trying to make that stop. So we have been looking at making and designing a food package. 

Here is our W.A.L.T. We are learning to design and recreate a food package that will reduce waste. I am making a chip packet here is my design.😃

can I please have some feedback in a comment thank you.

Armistice Day

Hi guys,  last week for our reading we have been looking at Armistice Day. Here is the W.A.L.T.  I am learning to make connections to our prior knowledge, books we have already read and things that happen in the real world. We looked at three texts. One was on News Hub,one was on YouTube and the last one was on Stuff. We have looked at all of them. I am going to tell you three facts about what I have learnt . Here it is . 😃

.1 British wanted started war in 4/8/1914.

.2 The crosses that people put down is to remember people that went to war.

3.That they went to Egypt to train for war.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Volume and Capacity

   Volume and Capacity 

Hi guy to day I have made a DLO about volume and capacity. It is very hard so I have made a DLO to make it easier here it is.